Hey everyone!
I've been thinking lately about a few products I simply cannot live without that have made my experience even more enjoyable and pleasant as a nutritarian. I think every nutritarian should know about these, and I'll be posting on each of them over the next few days depending on how my time goes. These products compliment my life as a nutritarian so much, in a lifestyle brimming full of benefits already. Pretty good, eh? Among them are:
--a salt-free seasoning that tastes salty and adds a ton of flavor to soups, raw nuts, broth, stock and even popcorn but has absolutely no salt whatsoever and no potassium or chemicals. It is all natural and blow-your-mind amazing. Nothing like it on the market! I promise you can't find anything like this at your local health food store. This is not Mrs. Dash or SPIKE, not even in the same universe!
--A delicious gourmet spice tea that naturally tastes as sweet as candy but contains NO sugar or artificial sweeteners of any kind. Period. Just tea leaves and spices! It is simply divine and calorie free, naturally. The same tea is available in three custom blends: black, green and herbal.
--A very versatile commercial quality machine (with a hefty price tag) whose functionality, incredible ease of use, quality and ability to withstand the test of time actually makes it worth the price for once! I am no big spender either, but this one does so much for me it has paid for itself and I have owned it for 3 years plus. In addition, the company that makes it is as classy as they come, and takes GOOD care of their customers to the "nth" degree.
Keep an eye on the blog for those posts, coming soon!
Nice tease! Looking forward to seeing the real reports . . .